"And how shall they preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace, who bring glad tidings of good things!'”
Romans 10:15
Helping to Launch Missionaries
P Family - China
B Family - Lebanon
The Villasenor Family - Oaxaca, MX
The Choice No Parent Should Ever Have to Make
AHM had the privilege of assisting this couple with temporary housing near a medical facility while they fought for the life of their baby. They remained in country in order to fulfill their ministry calling to the Impact Discipleship Training School and their outreach to unreached peoples in the Oaxaca vicinity. They remain there still after loosing their child. This kind of emergency assistance is a pillar of the support AHM provides for missionaries making daily sacrifices for the Kingdom of God.
Kathy Botsford - Japan
The Nation of Japan Remains an Unreached People Despite Enormous Western Influence
Thank you so much for making it possible for me to be a part of this gifted team on its exploratory mission to support and encourage the local churches faithfully holding out the light of Jesus Christ in a country where less than 1 percent of the population considers themselves Christian. Being able to do special outreach concerts during their Golden Week holiday season, including a modified Vacation Bible School program on Japan’s Children’s Day was such a privilege. We provided manpower for events that would not be possible without this outside assistance. We also were able to take a message to strengthen and encourage the small communities of believers who can become discouraged by the resistance to the gospel they experience daily. Looking forward to returning as the Lord leads.
The Schneider Family
"Ask of Me, and I will give You the nations for Your inheritance, and the ends of the earth for Your possession."
Psalm 2:8